I heard some great advice recently. I don’t remember where it was or who said it, but it has stuck with me. I’m paraphrasing- For the most fulfilling life, have hobbies that keep you creative and hobbies that keep you active.
I have the creative hobbies covered (see: this whole blog). My active hobbies are not as consistent and more weather permitting: hiking, kayaking, etc. I have been going to an awesome gym that is more dance classes and barre classes, but for some reason that still seems like an obligation and purposeful than a straight-up hobby.
So I am adding more active hobbies to my list. Starting with rock climbing.
Cody started climbing with one of his friends in December. And I guess we are one of those gross couples that does everything together because soon I started going with him. I have only been a handful of times so far but it’s super fun! The climbing community is a pretty rad group. I mean, it is Portland, so of course, everyone is friendly. But there is not a competitive vibe that happens in a lot of gyms. It’s very laid back and supportive. I can be the inexperienced newbie and not feel weird climbing next to badass climbers. It’s nice. I have also been improving quickly which makes any activity enjoyable. Every time I have gone I have seen improvements on what I can climb and my comfort level.
That’s Cody. He is a climbing rock star.
The kind people over at Recovery Water sent me a few bottles to try out so I brought it along with me this last week. They have three different flavors: original, cucumber mint, and peach. Cucumber mint was by far my favorite. It had a nice refreshing flavor without being too overpowering. I was really hesitant about trying the original flavor. Anything that tries to be “just water” flavored but also has minerals for electrolytes is not actually going to taste good. But I was pleasantly surprised! It was delicious, clean tasting water.
I’m certainly not going to claiming it’s magical or anything but I take my hydration pretty seriously. Anytime someone mentions a headache or sore body, I immediately ask them if they have been drinking enough water. I’m sure it gets annoying, but I am pretty convinced water can solve most problems.
Anyone out there in Portlandia want to go climbing? I’m always looking for more climbing friends!
Financial compensation was not received for this post. However, Reliant Recovery Water was kind enough to supply me with samples of their water. The opinions are my own. It was just too good not to share!
My hubby has been bugging me to go climbing with him sometime but I am just not a climber. I know it would be fun though so maybe, just maybe I’ll give in.
It’s super fun. Plus it’s low pressure when you are starting out. You can rent everything, take a quick belay class, and you are good to go. Not a huge intimidating learning curve.
Wow! That place is huge!!! I’ve always wanted to try out rock climbing as more of a sport. I’ve only tried it at amusement parks – And it’s FUN!
It’s a good size place and still fills up!
What a beautiful facility! Just the color alone is energizing, Lauren! It also sounds like a great partner activity. Good blog!
I love how colorful everything is! Everything is super brightly colored including my shoes and harness. It’s great.
I’ve always thought rock climbing sounded like such a FUN active hobby. I’ve been once and loved it- I need to go more.
I have been enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would.
I love rock climbing! I’ve only gone with the kids at gyms in our area, which have great facilities, but are still too crowded for me. I think I need to make more money and install our own private rock wall 😉 So glad you have found joy in it!
Now you’re thinking!
I’m also a member at PG! I got into rock climbing about a year ago and love it! I agree it’s super nice having an active hobby that is not weather-dependent. I also like that you can go with friends of different skill levels, unlike something like running where you have to be the same pace or it’s just not fun or doable. Maybe I’ll see you over there and we can climb sometime together!!
Good point! It is nice to be able to go with all skill levels. And YES let’s climb together!